This review contains all languages except German which you can find in the German Press Review
Press Review by languages
- English:
- New Tool Checking Wikipedia Reliability. In: Info&Insights. January 14, 2011
- Selena Mann: New tool used to evaluate Wikipedia. In: it-World Canada. January 14, 2011
- European University Viadrina: a New Tool to Evaluate the Quality of Wikipedia’s Articles Online Service Checking Both the Reliability of any Article – and of any Word Within. In: IT News Online. Newswire, January 14, 2011
- In: San Fransisco Chronicle; Yahoo!; Reuters; Daily Finance; Austin Business Journal; Baltimor Business Journal; Boston Business Journal; Business Review (Albany); E-Commerce Times; Information Week; New Mexico Business Weekly; Pacific Businiess News; Philadelphie Business Journal; San Francisco Business Times; Software Industry Today; Technology Today; Washington Business Journal. January 14, 2011
- German watchdog monitoring English Wikipedia. In: EarthTimes. January 13, 2011
- Deutsche Presse Agentur: German watchdog monitoring English Wikipedia. Monsters ans Critics, January 13, 2011 16:24 GMT
- Christian Möller: Wikipedia: On Watch. The Information Society Blog, January 10, 2011, Wolfgang Stock: „With Wiki Watch and WikiTrust in place no one will be able to smuggle in an additional name or other false information unnoticed in the future.“
- Russian:
- Roman Goncharenko: Обережно, Wikipedia! Наскільки точна інформація в онлайн-енциклопедії?. In: DW-World, Dezember 11, 2010
- Slovakian:
- Martin Poláš: Typický „strážca vedomostí“ Wikipédie: Muž, štyridsiatnik, ľavicový liberál. In: Živé (Slowakien). Oktober 29, 2010
- Spanish
- DPA y Especial: El oráculo que a veces se equivoca cumple 10 años. In: La Gaceta. January 14, 2011
- Supervisores externos para mejorar. Río Negro, January 14, 2011
- Peter Zschunke (dpa): Supervisores externos para mejorar Wikipedia. In: El Pais. January 13, 2011
- Dutch
- Agressieve toon schrikt Wikipedia-schrijvers af. In: Telegraaaf, March, 31, 2011: „Het probleem wordt volgens onderzoekers van de universiteit van Frankfurt, waar het project WikiWatch loopt, vooral veroorzaakt door de „harde, soms boosaardige toon” die sommige gebruikers aanslaan in de discussies over de artikelen.“
This review contains all languages except German which you can find in the German Press Review